Black family in therapy second edition free download
Score: 3. The text features a ground-breaking integration of individual male and female development in systemic context; our increasing racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity; the emergence of men's movements and issues; the growing visibility of lesbian and gay families; and the neglected area of social class.
Virtually all of the testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events from the textbook are included. Cram Just the FACTS studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests.
Only Cram is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: This blend of approaches and styles gives this text a unique voice and makes it a comprehensive resource for graduate students taking their first course in Marriage and Family Therapy. As an introduction to the field of Marriage and Family Therapy, this volume stands above the rest. Not only will readers gain an understanding of the rich history of the field and its techniques, but they will also see a complete picture of the context in which families are embedded, such as gender, culture, spirituality, and sexual orientation.
This knowledge is the key to understanding what differentiates Marriage and Family Therapy from individual psychotherapy. Glossaries, case studies, tables, figures, and appendices appear generously throughout the text to present this information and give students a thorough overview to prepare them for their professional lives.
They extend the use of the Circumplex Model for treating problem families using a range of clinical interventions at both the family level and broader social system level--including specific treatment populations--sex offenders, juvenile delinquents, truants, and multi-problem families.
Designed as a multidisciplinary resource, this authoritative and accurate volume will assist social workers, psychologists, pastoral counselors, family therapists, and other mental health professionals who work with individuals in a family treatment context. The need for a second edition was evident so that the content could be presented more effectively and clearly. A second edition is also an opportunity to bring the content up to date, and to provide new resources for accurate and relevant information for current managers and students of physical therapy management.
Since the first edition, some things have not changed. Many physical therapists continue to transition easily and successfully from clinical to managerial positions. More often than not, however, other physical therapists and many students seem to be willing to go to any means to avoid management because of their commitment and interest in direct patient care, or perhaps a fear of the unknown. The second edition continues to recognize that management responsibilities are complex, not for everyone, and remain important for clinicians to understand their work beyond the direct patient care they provide.
The second edition continues to provide an introduction to the physical therapist as manager for those whose career plans are to intentionally seek management positions in any healthcare setting.
It also provides the reluctant manger or student an opportunity to view the broad range of possibilities for physical therapists as managers that they might not consider otherwise. As clinicians they will be better prepared to see work-related issues from the perspective of the boss or corporate demands.