Change of ownership form no. 11 pdf download
At this point, you'll be able to mail or fax us your form s. Standard processing time once all claim requirements are received is business days. To file a claim, access your state's specific critical illness claim form PDF select the state where your employer is located. Then complete and submit as shown below. To file a wellness claim, complete and submit a claim online after logging in to principal. Then compete and submit as shown below.
To file a claim, complete and submit the accident claim form PDF. To download a prospectus, or to request a prospectus be mailed to you, visit principalfunds. Find your most common questions answered online. Visit help with insurance. Help Topics Help for individuals Forms for individuals.
Forms for individuals. Your one-stop forms shop Find common forms you need for insurance claims, online account setup, beneficiary changes and more, ready to download and print for your convenience.
What do you need to do? Name or change my beneficiaries. Submit a disability insurance claim. Option 1 — You have short- or long-term disability coverage through work. For group disability insurance policies, claims can be submitted via: Online disability insurance claim form Disability claim form instructions, employer and employee statements PDF. Submit a life insurance claim. Option 1 — You have group life insurance through work. Change owner or title holder particulars for a vehicle About What you should do How long does it take How much does it cost Forms to complete Who to contact About changing owner or title holder particulars for a vehicle Any changes to the particulars of the vehicle owner or title holder must be communicated to the appropriate registering authority within 21 days after such change.
What you should do Go to your nearest registering authority. If you are changing your address, you must take along the following: A copy of your identity ID document if you are a South African citizen.
If you are a foreign citizen, you must bring both the original and certified copy of your ID issued by your country of origin and your temporary residence permit. Proof of residential address e.
If the utility bill is not in your name, the owner of the bill must make an affidavit declaring that you live at the address and the utility bill must be attached to the affidavit. If you stay at an informal settlement, you must bring a letter with an official date stamp from the ward councillor confirming your residential address If you are a South African citizen, you must complete and submit form NCP only.
If you are selling the vehicle: The seller must complete the NCO form and submit it to their registering authority. The seller must hand over the registration certificate to the buyer. The buyer must complete the Application for registration and licencing of motor vehicle form RLV for submission. The buyer must submit the vehicle registration certificate, if the vehicle was registered in South Africa.
The buyer of the vehicle must submit the forms at the registering authority within 21 days of buying the vehicle, along with the registration form obtained from the seller and a roadworthiness certificate it is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy.