Speak now 3 teacher book pdf free download
Ifeeti fut. C: I thjnh TiI1l did the. Urhat did Iou doi a a. Ujhy uere oLr borh in Thailand? T B: You do? F Yeste dayw. F F lills! L to be a good friend? C B: It's in1porrnnto respcct I,our frtcrd. Br The most imporra. C them true. C ''h. C B: Yeah. Luckily m1. B: o, e rr. I B: That's true, but the intcrviell. B: l'rn good at computers, and I also klorv hori, I lo explain ploblems so people. I 5tudents'answers. Peop e saylhat lhave a lot of. And that Im very orqanized. I dpo. J B oascyeral possibilitics, although often rhe oth:: J r.
I giling reasons for lheir ans. And people lil e to ihink they have value, so "Because c 1 1 c to many people. Example conversation A: Itl nl r.. I4 lco 2,Tra. Optional Activity c [CD 2,Tra. They Point to the third example and remind students. Optional Activity iCD 2,Ira. Jd do to attract more cusLomers. A Exqmple aonversatioh A: Matthew and I think more and more college graduates are waiting belore Lhey get a job.
Some 6t 'hem are conrinuing rheir edu. B: But l'm not sure thats by choice. It's hard to get a job ihese days. So maybe vr'e donl agree on all the rersons for the trends.
C: Can rve all agree that online shopPing is becoming mole and n1ore PoPular? D: I think ilt due to the iact that itt so easy to comPare many storcs at once. C e Example conversotian A: She could nalnc it Carmeds. Answcrsi parcnthcses.
Example conversation A: Zippidy Doo is realh suc. I rhinli rhey're u.. F Evei lhe ben lo. J ansl. B: Ia rafier not say. Do you have any experience? A: It n1ust be a slogan for a car. I1at do you think the Dext one is probrbly for? B, lvhy? The mair reason is that it! The small stores are spread adoss the city, so it lakes time to go to several. B; And malls sometimes have cheaper pdces- Whatt another trend?
Optional Activity. Woutd they because books and magazines are so expensive. They can save a lot ofmoney if they dodt buy drem. B: it must have the laiest fashions, but the prices. B: lts, l've had ilterviews for eferyjob I've had. Wltat do you need to ruD a successtul bakerf C Horv would you describe yourself? B: A bakery needs a good location and D: Im reliable, confidenr, ard creative.
So how delicions food. A: I think my past experiences have taught me how to be a better frien. I Lessons 21 to 24 Eevlew 3l. Tell students that the expectations are ir order oa C tbrce, u,ith e.
In mv courtr -, you give other people. Poinl out tlat dris is olien the last i'ord in the c thought group. I hoLs" i celebrating a birthdey. I i I t 4 Listening l Vocabulary 5 :! Optional Activity Har. I B C: I tlink ihat Deans you shouldrit be difterent than other people.
I B: You'll have bad ludt. C 4 Listening c C B 2,tu. If you throw the penny into a fountain d and malrc a wish, it will come true. B II 2 Conversation d 1. Its C bad luck to look in a mirror afer the bride leaves fbr c the r.
A rabblt'sJootlh :iii. Thereisapotof loldartheendof a rainbow. C: 1 dont thirk people believe it. Emmple conve5otion. Whenitudents don't ajtd the government wont admit it hecause do this, the modal and ftdre are bleDded, but stlldeots tend to have a pause before the verb, drawing unnatural attention to the blend. B: I ;art an unusual annnal il1 the forest near rny B I. It must have beer a UFO.
C: It mal. C B: Right. C A: You're nol supposed to bring a frierd rv! C 2 Practice. C siDilariLies hetween a fither and a son. She nrires ;bout. Shc 1rcu cant see your Reall -? C they eat noodles liII shouid biog It may ha1,'e been someone standing behind ier. C B: That',s interesdng.
Optional Activity i. Then tcll siudenis th r no' "l ciel]r:. Har,e thenr provide reasons for defi iteU, r. Remind e u. Then hale them use thenl e 2 Conversation n sentences for erample, Glass is! C TelL stu. Plasticls teii bLe. Nicki: Because plastic breaks down so slovrly B c It stays on our planetfor a oig t me. Nickir I hadn t rhought ofth. To be honen,I dont wtratthe beit solution h.
Thai's a reallysood ldea c. C Thafs ertainly bad for rhe env ronment. To ircre. Nith the erpreslions Ii,! Sa np e ais!. But I alll'a,ls h. Sample ans? It does not rnean th 'sicalh'liflirB 13 ,3 ,3 -,3 lesron 3l B: I agree. C C 2 Conversation C 3. I thirliI C own pld, e. C Tell students that seltences lvith.
The meaningis I wish I couLd English in Action Speak Now. I Preview 29 Exomple conversation In the future, space trariel could bc possibie. Aniwedrill vary. Answe6wrrr v;iy. Ihis picturc shows a person watchinq many In the fuiurc, cxrs will deinitel 'use less gas, but differe. This is a pict! I donl thlnk that r. B: I agrce. Ur'c cnni kcep ignorhg all of the 2 Practice froblerns thltt.
Ciirnate change is certainl getting Norse. B: Iin not so sure. Even ihe scienrists. Torn lr. He also warts a job lhal lvlll let him Chris. Do you guvs want to come wiih us?
SoLrDds great. I'11 pick lou guys up irDds tLre cure for can. Sounds great. See you rhe. L' rr. A person rrho doesnt have anv siblings C C 2. A person who is not Darrlcd C 3. A terson r1fio is the oldest child in a iarnih C 4. A persorl I. The pcrson 1ou are rnarried to I H. The othcr day I sar. Do you have a sister 'ho is abour tC Nlait: Nro. In fact, I don't ha1,e anr brothers ard sisrers. Itrl t 2. Dolores: Thanks. C Anders: Realy? You r,ait to be a rour v.
Not rnet i nart to have some kds, and a ni. I,n1 the oldest so I ahval-s help my norn. It,s craz,y at n1y house, but ahvalx fun. Permission granted to reprodu. Write them in lhe diagram. In class, talk about 1'our ideas 1. Make sentences that are true for! Err- ln dzsr take turns rcading your sentences with a patner. He is 1. El'en though he is only l3.
He is ver,v G lis age. You lil e to change your plans a lot, but lLr. Shei 20 ears oId, but she acts likc she is People knolL i'ou lsill rtrke care ofthings in vour. Thev tlink yoLr are I 3. J G A: M,v sisler is a little irrcspo,lqihle.
Speak Now 3 Vocabulary Vy'orksheet 4. In class, tall about why 1. Soni I knon,. B: ]'eal1. Sher stayed ai school to help rre urtil B: He's reali grcl1t. Radio nnnouncer: Last night, there r!? We haYe a caller ro r,! BLrt tlte reighbors l! But ther a mar stopped to hc1p, and Lrecause ofhiDl, ro one dicd. LIe reninds LLs thxl it is important to help oihers. Permlss on qranted to reprodLr. Did ,ou rank the places to sta. In clrss. Is it bette to make n reserr. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom us.
Speak Now 3 Vocabulary Worksheet 6 ir irl r! Part 1. Uirile ,a You can also nake suggeslions instead ofrules. In clax, :,::i:r. Perrnission qranted to repro. Write thc r. In c1ass, compare ansrvers r. In class, pracri. Permission granted ro reproduce for. SpeakNow3 Vocabulary Workheet B. Rxnk them floln I want to bE the host to I want to be the leasr. Part 2.
In class, f,. B: That coald be great. B: Yes, th4nk you. Ar Soretling to dril1k? Otr, and wLen are rve here in a rveek. Permiliion granted to reproducefor classroom use. In class, trlk about e your idcas with a partncr. C leah: Do r-ou knori,ifl. Renee: Can yorr tell me rrhere I can buv hcalth Iood?
C Gusr Can you teli n1e ifthere: a rral. Permission grarted to reprocluce lor c assroom! Speak Now 3 Vocabulary Worksheet 1 0. The noney lou get back because you paid more ihan the price. Urhen a salesclerk asked yolt to p. O Oxford Univelsity Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Speak Now 3 Vocab! Whal job are they talking about? CaD I make an appomture t? C B: lvhat time are you free? A: I want lots offlowers and r huge cake. If ,vou are interested, ou should C talk to some chefs and see if tlis would bc a good iob for 1,ou. C B: Can -vou tell me hor! A: it e You still havent taken a foreign language. I'm goi t to tairc Clrinese next,vear. C llomr Let: hale some photos tairen olthc f. A: Taku is great. C B: Can you call lim and nake an appojntment for me?
A: lve had a sore thoat for threc days. Permlssion qranted to reprodu. Speak NowS VocabularyWorksheet 1 2. I feel sad all the time. For elch conversalio[, write a tecommendatioE ]. E Oxford University Press- Permis5ion granted to reprodu. Write ,u,tt, a pu. Speak VocabularyWorksheet 14 Now3. In clasE talk about your ideas biih a partner.
Positive Negative. Part 2 in each conversation, there k one istake- Cross iL oul and write the correct word s on the line. In Jass, practice the correct conversations vdth your pa rer.
A: Hoi. A: I said I will ask her for ao auiograph. A: I said lwould lr-lD l-er bui. Ai Mom said she hasn i been there since last weeL B: Yeah. He told. B: Whnt? I thowht she went yesterdal 6. A: Whai ha? Circle it. C - lvhat? What do people tr,v not to crasil? Give three ideas. Part 1! Rank them fro4r 1 tie most importmt to 8 the least ;!
In class, conpare answers with a padner. Part 2 i. In c1ass, practice the cr. Eisariorf with a partner. B Ther- lve. Write the t? J For each conversation, complete. Speak Now 3 VocabularyWorksheet 1B.
Part I lfhatt important in a colleague? Rank these charactelistics from 1 the most importaDt to 7 1ess rmponant. When colleagUes dotlt have these chara. O[ tlre -tond line, rank then from a cauies the biggest problems ta g cause the least lroblenN.
If yoll dodt knor,, g1ress- In. Part 2 l"lte four ideas from Part I to complete tlrc conversatio[ ID ctass, practice the conversaticjn with. IthiDLbeing 3 less important.
B: Interesring. Irt important fof a boss to be 3 B: t'eah, but. Parincr 1 should conlment ideas c C positivel.. C Partner 2: 3. C 1bu: 1. Because C Paltner 1: 6. C Partner 2: C 4 8. Speak Now 3 VocabularyWorksheet Part I 1q':. Thal Drat i i,. WhJ ou or. Part 3 Coupiete the sentences. I srsh I had remembcred 2- i ilish I haddt furgotten about i rhould have put a rcminder. Pernrission granted to reprodLlce for classroom use, Lesson 20 C B: I do, too.
C A: ure could join a speech club. The,v take turns gilnrg steechcs and helP ea. C B: Thatt a good idcx. Permission qranted to reprodLrLe for classroom us. Part 1 Horv often do you pay for these products and services? Putthenin the diagrrm- 1n clnss, with your parmer talk about why you put each one where fou did.
Something necessary Something fun. Lesson 22 G B: Thatt tlrlc, but 1re. Have 1ou cvcr gone to a language school? Speak Now 3.
F Vocabulary Worksheet Rank these things iDrportarl to 6 the l. In class, taiL about l oLlr ideas wirh a pirrner. Ir class. Il or Lhe red bacltgroLurd lor that iasr food restrurarr. Its so f:i [. Il; Ii looks like thcre's a new rcstaurarl ir1 the area.
Thet' need to thLok of sotnethiDg differert. Pern'rllsion granted to reproduce for cl:ssroom u5e. Lesson 24 Use thp t''rd fronl Part I and the topics below to glr. Perrnission granted to reproduce for,:lassroom use. SpeakNow3 VocabularyWorksheet The r. J In class, talk about your answers with your partner. Prd Dd. In class,. Permission granted to reproduce for c assroom use.
Cross it out and writc the correct ord s on the lire. Cars till all likel,v drile themseh,-cs. A: In the future, people definitelv lne on 5. Xr But ii will bc a long trip. Br I'm not sure about thal.
Part 1 U. On the second line, lank the prcbleuls irom a most serious to h least serious. In class, tnlk aborlt your ide? Part 2 Iirbe din]ate chaDges, whatlvill be affected? In cLass, r,,,itt1 ri'llr partner talk about why you put each one rvhere 'ou did. Oxford Universiiy Press. Nhe rcarn t 3. In cl. Permisston qranted to reprodu. Speak Now 3 Vocabulary Worksheet Ifa rv,rrd is not needed, ,,rrite xn i.
TheD rnarch ea. C roose the sir nlost irrportan! Part 3 Co plete the conl. O Iod'r. C Part. Ghip, sa. Norel and Campgrcund restaurant Al three:shower, slnk, toi et, parking c B! S C Vocabulary Worksheet 3 Part 3 2. The t. The cirp. Samp e nnsrer cC e 1.
Part 3 e D 5 a parking atlendant C 1. Ydark Do orhrni lke e 4, Yor're not a l. A: one 1r ng yo! Eildoft 'ealy lke that ide;. Vocabulary Worksheet 9 2. Part 2 4. A halrcui l! I S B: hadntlhouqhl oILhal. Frob em,Im forqctiul. Sotry, I h.!. Samp e an er ;:ross fron dre ma n traln stauo. Prob em: m stersed. London, the OLympl. President Barack. When dld Vr'en liabao become the.
Vocabulary Worksheet 1 7. Posit ve: ucky, romant. J- i Iernatlve answets are provlded disgusting Fun thinqs to do:an o d fr e. Mt radlt 6. A:hasnl caled me fora few days. A:weta ked for hou6. Ar Rob, we dont see ea.
Sample ans rer Part 1. Brnks are be. I rare y 90 to shopping ma s b:. I Con't llke rhoppi. Sanp e annicr For frcc: eaderhip,. Ihe neiren supermarkEt i5l! Part 1 nreat, and b. Sample anssrer. Forfree, and Takes money midd e of diagram :. Have no comp! Sa p ann Anlretr wil vary. C do vo unteerwork co!
C 5ame tlme. Part 1 C 2. C 7 hair. Part 2 C 4. Samp e antrer. C peop e at the same time Aniwetr wll vary Samp.
Thal soLrnds lke it. You're expected to bovr whe. C Sor. Yolte rupfose. AtpaIiies, fs noi t re. Lrstom d. UFO Answeis for cho. How to learn English words within 60 days? Nelson Spelling Pupil Book 1,2,3,4,5,6. Elementary Phonics Step by Step Lessons. A Sound Approach.
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