Apple app store slow download
This is also common with older version of Android. Really old versions may actually show an app ready for download, you click on the download and all seems fine like something is happening but its actually not going to download at all.
It may be compatibility issues with the app and your version of Android. If the network you are using is wrongly configured, that can cause problems that can hinder connectivity with the App Store. If that happens, your download certainly will be hurt.
This is true for both cellular as well as Wifi connections. Sever downtime are common. For example, when Apple is upgrading or performing maintenance, you will likely not be able to download any app. You may see the option to click download but nothing happens when you click it. There are some things you can do to fix slow app downloads. Below are some of the possible fixes we recommend you give a shot:. Sometimes rebooting your device can get things up and running again.
Rebooting has been suggested often so consider giving it a shot when your apps are downloading too slowly. For example, when Apple is upgrading its infrastructure, you may experience some challenges when downloading apps.
You can always visit the System Status web page to check if Apple is the one having the problem. Just power it off for about 60 seconds and then power it back on and try downloading again.
The app you are downloading could be the one having an issue. Trying to download another can help detect this. In such a case, you are likely to get an infinitely-spinning download icon that never completes the download or some unavailability errors.
Now try the download again and see if the speed has improved. Remember to restart your app download after signing back into App Store. Maybe your app is taking long to download because you have slow internet.
You can check if your internet speed is fast on speedtest. And more than , apps tap into the advanced technologies of Touch ID and Face ID built right into your devices, giving you an additional layer of security. Problem with an app? Easily report it from the App Store. In the unlikely event that you have a problem, you can report it directly from the app product page on the App Store.
Contact AppleCare online, by phone, or by email, and one of over team members will assist you with the refund process. See all Newsroom articles. App Store. Open the app. App Store The apps you love. From a place you can trust. Designed for discovery. More about Stories and collections that inform, help, and inspire.
Curated by experts. Handpicked for you. More about Curated by experts. New Explore in-app events like movie premieres, gaming competitions, and livestreams. More about Explore in-app events like movie premieres, gaming competitions, and livestreams. More about Discover amazing apps with a rich search experience. Get the details on every app. More about Get the details on every app.
Privacy and security. Built into everything we do. Security for every app. At every level. More about Security for every app. You choose what data to share. And with whom. Ask Different is a question and answer site for power users of Apple hardware and software. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I've wanted to download an app from the Mac App Store. But the download is much slower than normally.
A list of free DNS-Servers can be found at about. The reason this may improve download speeds is that DNS servers may return endpoints to Apple's CDN according to the location they think you are coming from.
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