Cant download sms pictures android
One of the settings you need to configure is the MMS setting. Let's see the steps to enable the MMS setting -. We are showing the steps to create or modify APN -. First, insert the sim card into your smartphone and go to the setting option. Then select more under the "Wireless and Mobile networks". Tap the Access Point Name option and go to the Menu. It is necessary to clear a device's cache data. Many times they cause problems and you may face MMS interruption because of that.
In that case, clearing messaging cache data may solve your problem. Let's see the way there you can clear them. Go to the application and select the application manager. Scroll down and go to the default messaging app.
Sometimes because of a minor system glitch, you may face this problem. If you are facing this problem for the first time or unusually then force reboot may overcome this problem. Most of the Android smartphone base some minor software problems. And the easy way to overcome this problem is force reboot. You just need to press the volume down key and power key and hold it for 7 to 10 second, then it will reboot itself. A soft reset can improve the performance of your phone.
Many people think the soft reset is harmful to the phone. But it is a wrong idea. It has no negative effect rather some good effect. It will boost your phone and that may fix the bugs of different functions. If you are facing a problem with the MMS issue, try a soft reset. First, pull out the battery of your phone. Now leave it for 45 seconds. Replace the battery and again start your smartphone.
Now check if the MMS problem is solved or not. This is the final resort to fix any problem with your phone without using any tool. If you are not still able to send MMS after trying the above ways you should master reset your Android. This will delete all the files of your phone and make it back to the default manufacturer's style. So don't forget to backup important pictures, videos, apps, and other files before master reset. Spotify Lyrics. Windows 11 Mute Keyboard Shortcut.
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Find Your Lost Product Keys. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Text message with pictures: "Download" button does nothing Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. Active 5 years, 11 months ago. Viewed k times. When people send me text messages with a picture attached, I receive the message but it says something like this, with a "download" button: Message size: 1KB Expires: AM, Mar 12 [Download] When I press the download button, it changes to the text "Downloading" for a moment, and then it changes back to the download button and nothing else happens.
I'm pretty stumped. Update 2: Suggestion to check APN settings. Improve this question. JohnD JohnD 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges.
Try opening the "Downloads" app, or use a file explorer to look at various folders on the phone. It may be that the message app you use simply stores it in a folder and expects you to handle it afterwards.
StephenSchrauger - thanks, I went to the downloads app. There are 2 tabs: "internet downloads" and "other downloads" but there is nothing under either of them. Is this where SMS downloads are stored? No, that's just where downloads go to.
Do you have a data plan at all? Can you e. Messages with pictures attached are MMS, and require an Internet connection, and often a specifically configured APN provider specific, so you might need to contact your carrier.