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Choose Monitor and assess the effectiveness of Effective testing and ongoing monitoring and evaluation an controls. Risk Management Program Plan The table below outlines the activities and controls that are currently missing from the risk management of the organization. Each activity row includes columns that describe the plan to implement the activity, the schedule for implementation, and the party responsible for its implementation and maintenance.

The next two sections cover the people and policy dimensions of cyber security. Ensure that the collaborative input and efforts of stakeholders in senior manager has the requisite authority many departments of the organization. Assigning a across departments to enforce the policy. Choose Define security-related roles and Employees at virtually every organizational level an responsibilities.

Defined roles and responsibilities will clarify decision- making authority and responsibility at each level, along with expected behavior in policy implementation. Creating a multidisciplinary oversight committee ensures that all stakeholders are represented. Choose Identify security aspects to be governed by An effective security program requires policies and an defined policies.

Choose Reference lower-level policy documents. Lower-level policies, plans, and procedures provide an the details needed to put policy into practice. Choose Define the implementation plan and A careful rollout of the program, well-documented an enforcement mechanisms.

Choose Define a policy management plan. This will help maximize compliance by providing an mechanisms to: item. Cyber Security Policy Plan The table below outlines the activities and controls that are currently missing from the cyber security policy of the organization.

It is therefore crucial to provide adequate security awareness training to all new hires, as well as refresher training to current employees on a yearly basis. The following checklist summarizes the various security best practices and controls that an organization should consider implementing. Provide a level of confidence that new hires are an trustworthy. Choose Establish a security-awareness program. Ensure that all personnel have an understanding of an sensitive information, common security risks, and item.

Further, ensure that personnel develop habits that would make them less susceptible to social engineering attacks. Choose Train employees who have access to protected Ensure that employees who have electronic or an assets. Personnel and Training Plan The table below outlines the activities and controls that are currently missing from the personnel and training plan of the organization.

For instance, failure to conduct a vulnerability assessment of a system when introducing new functionality may allow a security weakness to go undetected. To provide another example, lack of periodic review of system logs may let a breach go undetected.

Instituting and following proper security processes is vital to the security of an organization. Operational Risks The following checklist summarizes the various security best practices and controls that an organization should consider implementing.

Choose Control, monitor, and log all access to protected Prevent unauthorized access to assets, detect an assets. Choose Redeploy or dispose of protected assets Ensure that the redeployment or disposal of cyber an securely. Choose Create and document incident-handling policies, Ensure that the organization is prepared to act an plans, and procedures.

Choose Create and document contingency plans and Ensure that the organization is prepared to act an procedures. Operational Risk Plan The table below outlines the activities and controls that are currently missing from the operational risk plan of the organization.

If the organization develops software internally, it should make sure that it does so by leveraging security activities during the various phases of software development. Think of ways in which system functionality can an be abused so that protections can be built in to item. Choose Document security requirements. Explicitly call out security requirements of the an system so that software can be designed, item. Choose Build a threat model.

Enumerate the ways in which an adversary may an try to compromise the system so that the system item. Choose Perform architecture risk analysis. Choose Define secure implementation guidelines. Ensure that developers use defensive an programming techniques when implementing item. Ensure that software complies with security an implementation guidelines, that security controls item.

Choose Perform risk-based security testing. Run through top risks identified during the an threat modeling and architecture risk analysis item. Choose Have penetration testing conducted. Gain assurance from a qualified third party that an the software built by your organization is secure. While other controls need to exist for defense in depth in case the adversary is successful in gaining physical access, physical security concerns should not be underestimated.

The following checklist summarizes the various security best practices and controls that you should consider implementing. Choose The organization must document and Ability to detect unauthorized access attempts. Choose All physical access attempts successful or Ability to detect unauthorized access attempts. Choose Physical access logs should be retained for at Ability to perform historical analysis of physical an least 90 days. Choose Each physical security system must be tested Ensure that proper physical security posture is an at least once every three years to ensure it maintained.

Choose Testing and maintenance records must be Ability to understand what was tested and an maintained at least until the next testing cycle. Choose Outage records must be retained for at least Ability to investigate causes of outages and tie an one calendar year. Third-Party Relationship Risks The security posture and practices of cooperative vendors and partners may introduce risks into the electric cooperative organization.

If a cooperative utilizes a service from a provider that does not take proper precautions to safeguard the data that the cooperative places in its possession, that introduces a risk. Such risks must be managed. Choose Ensure that service level agreements SLAs Seek a contractual obligation that helps your an and other contractual tools are properly organization transfer some of the security risks.

For instance, if a breach occurs at a partner organization, there needs to be a provision to have your organization notified of the full extent of the breach as soon as the information is available. Third-Party Relationship Plan The table below outlines the activities and controls that are currently missing from the third-party relationship policy of the organization.

As its spreading use helps the smart grid achieve higher operational efficiencies, it also makes the electrical grid more vulnerable to cyber security attacks. It is therefore important to ensure that the way in which IT is used does not inadvertently provide new avenues of attack to an adversary. Network Risks Networks are the communication pipes that connect everything together, enabling the flow of information.

Networks are at the heart of the smart grid because without the information flow that they enable, smart behavior is not possible. For instance, a system load cannot be adjusted if information from smart meters does not find its way to the SCADA system. Therefore, the energy savings that result from adjusting a load cannot be realized, unless an action is taken based on reliable information that made its way from the smart meters to the SCADA via a communications network.

On the other hand, if an adversary is able to tamper with meter data in a way that cannot be detected and to thus feed incorrect data to the SCADA, an incorrect action may be taken by the grid, resulting in undesired consequences. Choose Firewalls and other boundary security mechanisms Provide security by default.

Choose The flow of electronic communications should be Confine sensitive electronic communication an controlled.

Client systems should communicate with to established trust zones. The flow of traffic should be enforced through boundary protection mechanisms. Choose Protect data in transit. Preserve the confidentiality and integrity of an data in transit. Choose Protect domain name service DNS traffic.

Ensure that data is routed to the right parties. Choose Use secure routing protocols or static routes. Avoid the disclosure of information on an internal routing. Choose Deny use of source routing. Prevent denial-of-service attacks. Routinely review and test your firewall rules to confirm expected behavior.

Choose Separate development, test, and production Avoid production data leaks into test an environments. Have controls in place around item. Choose Ensure channel security of critical communication Secure data in transit. Where possible, implement Public Key Infrastructure PKI to support two-way mutual certificate-based authentication between nodes on your network.

Choose Ensure that proper certificate and key management Ensure that cryptographic protection is not an practices are in place. Remember that cryptography undermined through improper certificate or item. Ensure that keys are changed periodically and that they can be changed right away in the event of compromise.

Choose Ensure confidentiality of data traversing your Secure data in transit. If channel-level encryption is not possible, item. If TLS is not used, ensure that other protections from man-in-the-middle attacks exist. Use time stamps to protect against replay attacks. Choose Ensure availability of data traversing your networks. Detect failures and promote fault tolerance.

If that still does not work, reroute the packet via a different network link. Implement proper physical security controls to make your network links harder to compromise. Choose Ensure that only standard, approved, and properly Use proven protocols that have been an reviewed communication protocols are used on your examined for security weaknesses. If anomalous item. Choose Ensure that sufficient number of data points exist Avoid taking actions based on incorrect data.

At the same time, the field of cyber security is undergoing many dramatic changes, demanding that organizations embrace new practices and skill sets.

This has to change. Technology is continuously evolving, and there is no recent shift larger than the explosion of mobile device usage. People bringing their own devices to work is an unstoppable wave that is engulfing organizations, regardless of their policies. This increased demand for BYOD poses serious challenges for how security is managed in terms of technology, process and policy.

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Nowadays, it is not a reason at all. It is also important to remember that legitimate financial institutions do not request information via e-mail. If you plan to buy something or make a contribution, first do not be lazy, and collect information about the company. Why is it important? If we know how the company operates, and what are the terms and agreement, we will not raise any questions. Also, we will know what to really expect from it. What do we need to underst and well in relation to any company which we want to deal with?

The physical real and proven address of the company.


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