Download html5 animation as gif

Powerful business presentations. Want to generate traffic and improve your online sales? Enhance your website, presentations and banners with animations and effects that capture your audience. An improved user experience draws in new users and converts them into potential clients. Sharing your knowledge is the best gift you can give to your students.

That's why we've designed our products to be as attention-grabbing as possible so, you can teach your students using your full potential. Free time Creativity and fun. WebAnimator is the tool you didn't know you craved. You can use it to make fun gifs to share with your friends, or customized banners to publish on your website. Are you a developer? To find out if you have ffmpeg on your machine, fire up a terminal and run the ffmpeg command.

Installation instructions for Windows, macOS and Linux can be found on this page. To follow along with the commands that are included in this article, you can use any animated GIF file lying around on your computer or grab this one which is just over 28MB.

Open up a terminal instance and navigate to the directory where the test gif is located then run the command below to convert it to an MP4 video file:. The -i flag specifies the path to the input GIF file and the output file is specified afterwards video. But we can go even further than that. As you can see, there are a couple of new flags in above command compared to the previous one.

The -crf flag controls the quality of the video output. It accepts a value between 0 and 51; the lower the value, the higher the video quality and file size. Running the above command on the test GIF, trims down the video output to just KB with no discernable difference in quality. If you want to trim the size even further, you could increase the CRF value. Just keep in mind that higher values will lower the quality of the video file. This command is almost the same as the previous one, with the exception of a new -c flag which is used to specify the codec that should be used for this conversion.

We are using the vp9 codec which succeeds the vp8 codec. The major qualities of animated GIFs to keep in mind are as follows:. While you get these qualities by default with GIF files, we can cause a video file to act the exact same way using a handful of attributes.

This markup instructs the browser to automatically start the video, loop it continuously, play no sound, and play inline without displaying any video controls. This gives the same experience as an animated GIF but with better performance. Based on as3gif Ported by antimatter Since it pretty much is GIFEncoder, you could consult the as3gif how-to page.

You first need to include the JS files. Simple enough right? You can set the second parameter to true and pass a imageData. So in other words, you can do encoder. However, you must do an encoder.


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