Download Remix ISO File
In this day and age, speed is everything. Which begs the question - why are so many people still relying on age-old operating systems filled with legacy software that slows down hardware over time. Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo.
Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. For your convenience, you can use the gditools. To use this project you must install the Python 2. It is also a Builder system to create and package Funtoo installations.
Builder creates custom root filesystems that GaryOS can load into memory in place of its own. GaryOS can build new or updated versions of itself from within itself. Seamly2D Free and open source pattern design software.
Seamly2D enables the design, reuse, and remix of digital sewing patterns for creating bespoke-fit, specialty-sized, and ready-to-wear-sized clothing. Users have the right to utilize, sell, share, and distribute their patterns in any way they choose. Plus operating system is hobby project. RoshanOS-Lite is a computer operating system based on Linux for older computers.
We may come back with another ISO if they allows. You may try torrent file if someone is still seeding. MKG target users who would like to experiment with Gentoo. It will also help out users who already know how to install and manage Gentoo, yet forgot to back up their OS for some time and need a fast recovery tool.
It will also be appreciated by users who bumped into intractable dependency conflicts and are looking for a quick way out. I hope you enjoy your laylaOS experience. All feedback is most welcome.
Latest version. Related Searches refind. Software Development. Formats and Protocols. Thanks for helping keep SourceForge clean. X You seem to have CSS turned off. Briefly describe the problem required :. Upload screenshot of ad required :. Full Name. Phone Number. Job Title. Company Size Company Size: 1 - 25 26 - 99 - - 1, - 4, 5, - 9, 10, - 19, 20, or More. Get notifications on updates for this project.
Get the SourceForge newsletter. JavaScript is required for this form. No, thanks. Project Activity. Mit einem Experten sprechen. User Ratings 3. User Reviews Filter Reviews: All. I have been using Remix for 2 years on 3 devices and have very little problems. An wonderful project that looks like it was quickly abandoned. The idea of re-engineering the interface was just an excellent one.