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Thanks for the sharing. I'm really appreciate. Knowledge must be available free to anyone. Performance impact is a tricky metric to cover ; however, for best overall performance and speed we recommend Bitdefender Total Security , followed by Norton Internet Security If you're of the free mindset, AVG Anti-Virus Free provided the lowest average system impact in our tests once scan time was taken into account.

Run a full scan, protect yourself While we're at it, let's make sure there's no malware on the system that could be slowing your machine down. Run a full scan through your antivirus program, then install Spybot Search and Destroy , update and then do a full scan there, too.

Run an immunisation when the scan is done, and if you want to be doubly sure, grab SpywareBlaster as well, update and then perform an immunisation there as well. Ensure that both Windows and your hardware drivers are up to date — apart from bug fixes, which should make your system work better, you may be getting new features as well.

Graphics card drivers in particular should be kept up to date, as performance improvements are introduced frequently. One tip: don't use the drivers provided by Windows update.

These are often cut down, or sometimes don't even work. XP users can run Windows update by visiting update. Don't forget your browsers While you're at it, update your browsers as well, especially if you're running Internet Explorer 6. Not only will updating your browser get you new features and bring you in line with the latest standards, allowing websites to render properly; optimisations are being made to JavaScript engines all the time, making modern websites faster. If you can determine what part is the bottleneck in your system, a simple upgrade will be much cheaper than getting a whole new system.

With laptops, your options here are pretty much limited to RAM, hard drive and wireless card, but desktop users will have a little more room to play with. RAM If you've got less than 4GB of RAM, investigate adding more — with more moving online, and browsers being particularly memory hungry, having more memory is never a bad thing.

Just be aware that if you have 4GB RAM or more, you'll need a bit operating system in order to recognise and use it all — which for some people still running XP might mean an operating system upgrade as well. Hard drive The hard disk is typically the slowest part of the computer. When loading data or if you run out of RAM, your hard drive gets hit — and if it's old and slow, you're going to feel it. While solid-state drives SSDs have definitely addressed the speed issue, they're expensive compared to mechanical hard drives and are much lower in capacity.

If you can only afford a mechanical hard drive, make sure to get one that's at least rpm. As a basic rule of thumb, larger capacity drives at the same revolutions per minute are faster than smaller capacity drives. Graphics If you're finding games are a bit slow on your desktop, it may be time to update your graphics card.

These days, a new graphics card will have significantly more effect on your gaming experience than an updated CPU will. External, upgradeable graphics on the laptop never really took off — but perhaps we'll see something emerge should Intel's Thunderbolt interface take off. Wireless If you're finding the wireless in your laptop slow and unreliable, it's actually quite easy to swap in a new wireless card in your laptop — it uses a standard interface called Mini PCI Express.

Just be aware of a gotcha: some vendors like HP will only allow certain wireless cards to be used in their laptops for warranty and support issues. Others, like Dell, will accept pretty much anything. If you've got a laptop that doesn't like alternative wireless cards, you can always get a high-end USB wireless adapter that should improve performance greatly.

If you've got a friendly laptop, it's a simple case which, depending on the laptop, may involve removing layers of equipment, admittedly of disconnecting the antenna wire, removing the old card, putting in the new one, reattaching the wire and then installing appropriate drivers. The hard bit is finding someone that will sell you a decent chip. Also consider the age of your router — wireless technology is improving all the time, and the more expensive routers generally do provide superior wireless performance.

Just remember there's no such thing as a good router brand — stick to models that have had a good response in reviews and online. Reinstall Windows Is everything still running slow? It might be time to back up all your files, format your hard drive and then reinstall Windows from scratch. While modern operating systems reduce the frequency in which this is needed, sometimes it's just the only sane way to return things back to how snappy they once were.

Plan out at least a day, triple check everything is backed up and that you have some way of getting online in case things go wrong — then dive in. If you've got a desktop, you'll need your original Windows installation disc.

If you've got a laptop, though, you very likely have a recovery partition — somewhere on your hard drive where your manufacturer stores the original state that your laptop arrived in. Usually you can access this by loading Windows' built-in recovery environment, often launched by holding or in most cases, repeatedly hammering the proper key from boot. While it can change from laptop to laptop, here's a "rule of thumb" chart for what needs to be done on a brand-by-brand basis to get into the recovery environment.

You should then be walked through the process of recovering Windows. There are usually two options, to keep your files or to wipe everything and start again; despite the time it'll take to set up everything again, you'll most likely get the most speed out of the latter option. It's still slow! If all the above didn't work, perhaps it's time to finally admit what you own is old hat, and to get a brand new system with much faster parts and a spanking new Windows 7 bit operating system.

If the cap is low, stick to downloading one file at a time. The computer itself can be the cause behind a slow download. This happens when it is unable to read its processes quickly. In particular, the Windows registry can be corrupted or may contain many unnecessary files. The computer has to read all of these files before processing the actual download.

To fix this problem, you need to clean the Windows registry on a regular basis. A virus infection can cause a lot of damage. It can also cause downloads to run slow. Viruses, in general, can result in slow performance. When you suspect that malware might be causing the problem, you need to perform a scan.

Once you get rid of the harmful program, you should see an immediate improvement in download speed. Therefore, you need to check if you are using too many files or opening too many programs while also downloading or streaming. This is because opening too many files or programs uses up processing memory that could be utilized for the download.

By closing the not-in-use programs or files, you will enable your computer to handle the download process more efficiently. If you need to use those other programs, open them again once the download is completed. This is another very common cause of slow download speeds.

Downloading too many files at one time can bog down the system, make your computer run slow, and basically bring everything to a halt. Try to download one file at a time. The above possible causes of slow download speeds should be taken into consideration, especially if the problem is persistent.


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