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Move along User Info: HadukenGod2. User Info: aamfirdaus. Reinstall NMM. There should be an option to where you will put the mods. Why would you ever need a tie? If possible please locate two files, one that is under 20MB and another that is over MB. Please download these files manually and retrieve the full download link from your browser example below. Next, we want to check the quality of the connection between your PC and our servers by performing a TraceRoute operation.
To do this you'll need to:. Finally, you should create a new topic on the forums including the test results. If you like, you can use this format by copying it and replacing the sample data with your information:. I'm having download issues. What can I do? In order to investigate download issues that have been reported to us, we require the following information in the report: Country: The place you're downloading from, please make sure you are not using a VPN when testing as this may make this information inaccurate.
Test download speeds: You'll need to try and download each of our test files in this article. Your download link: The link generated for you when downloading a file. TraceRoute: This is detailed information about your connection to our services, which allows us to identify any common stalling points. To get the information required, please follow the troubleshooting steps below, there is a posting template at the bottom of the article: Understanding what is within our control We do our best to provide access to all mods for users all over the world, however we are sometimes hampered by conditions beyond our control.
The sense checks Before we get into the more advanced troubleshooting, it's important to cover the simple problems we often encounter which can be fixed with relative ease. Downloads don't start: You should consult our " Troubleshooting website issues " page. This is normally caused by a browser addon or privacy settings. There are two versions of Skyrim , and the game is also available on a number of different platforms.
The version of the game, and the platform you are using, will affect the process you need to go through if you want to mod your game. Here are the main sources of mods for Skyrim and the platforms that you can use with them:.
Here are the three main sources of mods for Skyrim: Special Edition and the platforms that you can use with them:.
Skyrim: Special Edition is a version of Skyrim that is available for PC and consoles, and it is designed to make the modding process very easy. In fact, Bethesda actually hosts a huge variety of mods on their own site, and you don't need to download any additional software to use them. The first part of this process is to create an account on Bethesda.
Here are the steps that you need to take:. Once you have found some Skyrim: Special Edition mods that you want to install, the rest of the process takes place in the game. You will need to tie your accounts together, choose some of the mods you found, and install them. Enter the email address you used when you created your Bethesda. You need to select Create Account even though you already have an account. As long as you enter the same email you used to set up your Bethesda.
Enter your Bethesda. Some mods do not work well with other mods. If your game does not operate normally, try adjusting the load order by selecting Load Order from the main mods screen. If that doesn't work, you may need to disable one or more mods by clicking on the mod and then clicking on Disable. Depending on your platform, there may be limits on how many mods you can download and install. The number of mods you can install will also be lower if you don't have enough free space on your console.
The space limitations are placed by Microsoft and Sony, while the limit on the number of mods you can install can be placed by either the console manufacturer or Bethesda. The limitation on the number of mods can change from time to time if Bethesda decides that Skyrim is capable of handling more, or less, mods while still remaining stable.