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I like it because Turbotax will store your old returns for you, and prepopulate fields based upon prior year returns. I have used TurboTax successfully for a couple of years. In addition to things already mentioned, it has some forums where you can get some simple questions answered with complex ones it's always better to consult the professional and it can import some data from your salary provider if you're lucky some companies are supported, some aren't - then you save time on filling out W2s, and can allow you to track your donations with sister site ItsDeductible.
Not sure how desktop software compares. So far I didn't see any downsides except for, of course, the fact that your information is available online. But in our times most companies offer online access to earnings statements, etc. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Any pitfalls to filing taxes online, vs.
Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 10 months ago. Active 10 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 4k times. Improve this question. Chris W. Rea Robert Robert 1 1 silver badge 4 4 bronze badges. Add a comment. Tax Slayer. Liberty Tax. Tax Act. See all of our Tax Preparation Software reviews.
The 7 Best Tax Preparation Software. Continue reading below. How does tax preparation software work? Tax preparation software walks you through a series of questions, much like you'd get with a human tax preparer: are you married, do you have a mortgage, and so on. The program fills in your tax forms based on the answers you provide, and at the end your return is ready for filing. Most tax prep platforms allow you to file your returns electronically, but you always have the option to file them by mail.
That's up to you! Almost every tax preparation platform today makes it possible to do your entire return online, no downloads or CD-ROMs necessary.
But, if you prefer to do it the more old-school way, you can still find tax prep software that downloads to your computer and lets you work on it offline. How do I know which tax preparation software I need? That depends on several factors: the more complicated your financial situation, the more likely it is that you'll need a tax prep package that goes beyond the basic program.
Most providers of tax prep software will walk you through the options and recommend the right product for your needs. Can I use tax preparation software for both federal and state returns? Yes, most of the time. Many providers will take the information you entered during your federal return and carry it over into your applicable state return.
Keep in mind that you may have to pay extra: both for the software for your state and for electronically filing a return. You can usually opt to file your federal return electronically often included at no extra charge and your state return by mail. How much does tax preparation software cost? For the most basic tax returns those that only have W2 income, no investments, no mortgage interest to deduct , many tax prep software programs are completely free.
What if I have a question or I need help? You'll often find answers built right into the tax preparation software: look for a button on the page where you're having trouble to click for explanations and additional info. If you'd like to get help from a tax professional, you might be able to connect with someone by phone or online though that may incur extra charges.
A few tax prep software providers have in-person options if you get stuck and want a tax preparer to take over or just want to go over your return face-to-face. What if I make a mistake on my return? The good news is that your tax preparation software will likely have a robust detection method for uncovering any errors you may have made. Of course, it can't tell if you entered the wrong number for your income, but if it spots anything obviously wrong you'll get a notification and a prompt to review that part of your return.
If you file your taxes and later realize there was an error, you can file an amended return. What happens if I get audited? Getting an audit notification can be scary! Depending on which tax preparation software you use, you might have audit support and guidance built into your package. Some providers also offer full audit representation for an additional fee. Continued from above Tax Software Articles. This link is to make the transition more convenient for you. You should know that we do not endorse or guarantee any products or services you may view on other sites.
Tax information center : Around Block : Offers. Block vs. TurboTax: Which tax filing option is right for you? Explore the benefits of Block. Send us a pic of your W-2 to easily import your current year information.